Let’s Cook.
From breakfast staples, to snacks, main meals and desserts, Hungry Munchkins has all you need for your baby weaning journey. My aim is to take the stress out of cooking and help give you the confidence to cook ONE MEAL for all your family, including your baby.
With little adaptions, meals can be made suitable for your weaning baby. Eating habits of babies and toddlers can last a lifetime - let’s set your children up for a lifetime of healthy and happy eating!
Baby Friendly Cashew & Basil Pesto
This pesto is a great snack for babies and toddlers. You could serve it on a plain unsalted rice cake or cracker or on slices of apple. It's absolutely delicious on fish or stirred through mashed potato. It will keep for a few days in the fridge once you put a little layer of oil on top to keep the air from getting at it.